Eating habits, thinking, and behavioral habits were programmed way before we were born. Eating habits programmed by other people and circumstances without your permission. Maybe you were lucky enough to be programmed for good, but if you are not? Is it possible to get rid of your previous worthless programming and develop your own winning habits?
Researchers prove that young babies know naturally when they are hungry and when they’ve already had enough to eat. They just stop eating as soon as they are full.
However, later that begins to change. We develop habits that cause us to eat when we basically don’t need food and are not hungry. We even don’t eat for health. We overeat because we are happy or unhappy, alone or have company, reading or watching TV, or even just because we find a package of any meal or snack appealing.
That “baby-researching” results can be a perfect reason for changing our wrong Eating Blueprint, starting to develop new eating habits, and finally, moving forward in the right direction. The Yo-Yo dieting is not just unhealthy, but it can also mess up our ability to read the body’s hunger signals and makes it more challenging to know when and how much to eat.
We can do anything we set our mind to. I would like to share one of my client’s stories about her “allergy.” Once, when she was a little girl, she had difficulties breathing while eating raspberries. It scared her and her parents, and even though she was totally fine in several minutes, she got that file in her mind “raspberries are bad for me.” Doctors ran some tests; however, the real cause of that short breathing still wasn’t clear. Do you think she ever touched raspberries once again in her entire life? NEVER. Not raspberries or raspberry juice, chocolate with raspberries, or raspberry cake.
Now, imagine that you install the file “sugar and soda are bad for me” in your subconsciousness. Wouldn’t it be beneficial for developing a healthy lifestyle and better eating habits? Thinking about eating for your health may help you in this process. My survey results showed that 85% of you are driven to lose weight for “being healthier” reasons, and this is great! It is worth the effort, I think. Especially when you know that the results you achieve will last forever.
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