Positive emotions influence our achievements. Recently, I’ve helped my friend to take care of her two months old baby boy. I smile recalling this positive experience 🙂 When I was feeding him, an interesting analogy related to his eating behavior came to my mind.

When feeding time came, he ate very enthusiastically with a great appetite! However, as soon as he became fuller, his interest slowly disappeared, and very soon, he stopped eating at all. He pushed my hand away, turned his head to avoid the bottle, and got upset with my attempts to feed him some more milk. Anyhow, there were no chances to continue feeding. This tiny newborn creature succeeded in implementing his desire of not to be overfed. He stopped eating immediately after getting full.

Unlike babies, adults usually ignore their satiation and continue eating. Why?

Why do we eat when we are full?

Why can’t we resist getting a second (third, fourth, etc.) course?

Why do we eat when we are not hungry?

Even worse: although we know the consequences; of feeling bad both physically and emotionally, we still keep doing the same things over and over. We KNOW that overeating is wrong and unhealthy, but resisting temptation seems almost impossible.

On the other hand, we may recall periods in our lives when we succeed in taking things under control. Then we could focus on achieving our goals and directing all our willpower toward manifesting a desire.

The problem is that relying solely on willpower makes reaching a goal much more difficult.

The baby did not rely on his willpower; he did not have one yet.

He was driven by his feelings, instincts, and emotions.

Relying on willpower is a good thing, but it is not the only strategy you should use to achieve your goals. Willpower is not enough. That’s because mobilizing willpower is brought to you by your CONSCIOUS decision. You go for it intentionally. It is mainly built upon a necessity and unhappiness with what you already have. This process creates negative emotions related to that unhappiness, or you can easily be influenced by others.

Unless your willpower does not include a positive emotional component, chances to succeed are pretty low, the process itself is way too hard, and the results are temporary.

When you are driven by EMOTIONS, FEELINGS, and POSITIVITY,

you’ll achieve your goal much easier and quicker, and long-lasting results are guaranteed!
