Weight Loss SolutionLifestyle. Not Dieting

My Dear Friend,

If losing weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is your near future goal, let me ask you several questions first:

  • Have the weight loss programs you tried before worked until you quit?
  • Have you gained back all the weight you lost and even more?
  • You don’t eat much; desperately think about how many calories to eat to lose weight, always semi hungry, but still gain weigh just from “looking at the cake through the bakery window”?
  • You’ve tried every low calorie diet and read books about how to keep a diet, but still nothing seems to work?

If you answered YES to those questions, it’s time to start thinking in other direction and change your mindset for weight loss. All that happened because you just followed a “plan” without learning and developing new eating habits. Why would you expect different results from doing the same things again and again?

“When my second child was born I gained nearly 40 pounds. I tried to lose weight over several years and used different diets. I also applied scientific methods because I’m a doctor, but I couldn’t get rid of more than 5-6 pounds. I got rid of 23 pounds during 3 month under Dr.Irina’s supervising . She inspired me and helped me to believe in myself. I’m not hungry anymore, feel more energetic, sexy and attractive!”
Dr. Elena Zorkaltsewa

The solution is in changing your eating BLUEPRINT, the program in your mind that brought you where you are today. Since you change your eating habits blueprint  and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you’ll get the results you want, and will keep your desired weight once and for all.

You are not alone! Allow me to:

  • Support, motivate and inspire you
  • Provide you with proven weight control strategies, powerful tools, and weight loss recipes
  • Encourage you to take action, no one can do it alone
  • Help you to develop winning  eating habits  and a new mindset successfully, so you will keep your desired weight for life
  • Push you toward your success! Yes, sometimes it’s necessary 🙂

Then we’ll celebrate your achievement together, you deserve it!

To Your Health and Success,

Dr. Irina
