After Dieting ProgramsDr. Irina2018-04-16T13:31:00-04:30
AFTER Dieting Planning
Congrats! You’ve lost weight being on a diet!
Now what? How to KEEP the results you’ve achieved by working so hard?
Statistics say, that after all that struggling, NINE out of ten people will be back to their previous weigh in less than only one year…
Sounds frustrating and disappointing, isn’t it? Why can’t people
KEEP what they have already achieved?
The answer is simple. No diet can last forever. It is almost impossible to follow a plan during your entire life. When the plan is over – the weight is back.
NOW it’s time for regular EVERYDAY eating:
WHAT food you should buy now and WHERE
How to cook simple, yummy, and healthy meals and desserts
How to eat at the parties, at restaurants, or on a cruise without gaining weight
How to STAY in your desired shape for an entire life!
To save our precious time and commute expenses, the sessions are held on the phone or via Skype. One session length is 45 minutes.
Call now at 617-669-6561 to schedule your consultation